16 Killer Traffic Generating Tactics to Increase Website Traffic Fast

Dinesh Thakur
18 min readApr 12, 2019


Well! How to increase website traffic fast is the most ordinary concern that lingers on with every website owner.

Thousands of techniques, strategies, solutions and so on…

But still finding yourself in a perplexing situation to comprehend the best ways of getting instant website traffic.

No wonder, this happens with every website owner now and then.

Although there are several ways to augment the website traffic still everyone needs the fastest one.

There is no rocket science required to collect the audience in no time.

Instead, you need to shift your focus on the ways which never been into your thoughts.

Yes, there are many ways that can really fructify your efforts to grab website traffic fast.

In logical terms, a website comes off to attract the users getting known to many people or by delivering unprecedented users’ experience.

Simply, you need to target all such factors that can fulfill these criteria directly or indirectly.

Because the websites with higher visibility and commendable user experience hardly fail to pull the crowd.

So, as now we have the right direction to commence with, it is the high time to learn about the fastest way to increase website traffic.

Tip 1- Advertise as much as you can

What would be the very first thought when someone thinks to expand the reach of a business website or a business?

Obviously…it is advertising.

Advertising has become the essence of every new website to maximize its reach.

And for the old websites too in order to maintain the flow of traffic and conversions in the business.

Hence, try to advertise as much as you can.

The more you advertise, the more people will get aware of your business and offerings.

Else, hoping to get maximum traffic with the limited reach is entirely a waste of time and will take you nowhere.

There are numerous digital advertising platforms available to make your presence astonishing.

Google Ads, Facebook ads, Insta ads, etc. are some of the efficacious platforms for advertising.

For example:

Google Ad example:

Facebook Ad example:

Instagram Ad example:

These work well not only to expand the business reach but also to engage the audience in your brand.

Influence of Instagram ads is also not less than any other platform and really helps in brand awareness.

Furthermore, still, you have Youtube, Pinterest, etc. to advertise.

Not only online means are there.

In fact, TV marketing, radio marketing, and SMS marketing options are also open to bringing your offering within the reach of people.

So, if still struggling with how to get traffic to your website fast then…

Advertise and target more audience and open up ways to accumulate more traffic.

Tip 2- PPC is the best to get traffic fast

Yes, you have no scope of forgetting PPC services when the whole scenario is to increase website traffic fast.

A prime requisite approach in driving traffic is to enhance the website’s visibility.

So that more and more audience are aware of your services.

And this is the major issue where most of the websites lack and fail to hit the decent sales number.

Simply hire the right PPC agency to grab the traffic fast, as running Google Ads is not a child’s play.

By doing so, you can present your website right in front of the users using Pay-per-click.

As any search query related to your niche is conducted by the audience, your Google Ad will appear to address their query.

Finding your Ad relevant, the audience will click your Ad and redirected to the website directly.

So, don’t you think this is one of the effective and fastest ways to drive traffic?

Apart from this, emphasize on your Ad copy.

Add compelling elements in your ad so the users do not lose their focus and shift to any other ad of the same niche.

Optimize the Ads by adding relevant keywords to improve its relevancy.

Most relevant Ads are liable to attract more clicks and conversions.

So, simply opt for Google ads and get the traffic that you envisaged.

Tip 3- Serve others as a guest blogger

This is an undeniable fact that guest blogging has helped several businesses to enhance their ranking in the search engines.

And enhanced ranking is equal to greater visibility and traffic

Guest blogging?? Is it so?

If this is something you are getting confused with then let’s explore how?

Guest blogging gives you a platform to put your flag into others lawn.

Eventually, it is the proven method to drive traffic from other websites to your website as well.

Hence for a great start firstly, you simply need to find out the most relevant websites suited to your niche.

Also, dig out the quality websites that are open to guest posts.

Now, here comes the major part that can make or break the success of the guest posts.

And that’s the writing part.

You have to come up with the masterpiece created out of your writing caliber that is just irresistible.

To win the battle, commence with the most searched and shared topic on the guest posting site related to your niche.

This is the first step that will help in a successful guest posting.

Enrich your content with every kind of useful information like stats, graphs, case studies, etc.

Guest posting is a powerful tool not only to strengthen the brand but also to impress the audience.

Once the audience is influenced by your writing style, they would love to visit your website again and again.

Furthermore, you can add a relevant backlink in your guest post.

This will also aid in getting more traffic and you can increase website traffic fast.

Tip 4- Find guest bloggers for your website

Now let’s flip the side and explore how accepting guest blogs will help.

Providing and accepting guest blogging is a two-way street.

And getting traffic fast is much easier with these two techniques.

You might have seen many times the product is sold just by name.

Even there are certain authors who are good enough at influential writing.

Search for the writers in your niche to guest blog on your site.

As knowledge and experience in the same niche somewhere results in better and depth writing.

Try to find out such kind of blogger who can really contribute to your business growth.

Creator of any good thing always wishes to make it reachable to as many people as possible.

Therefore, the writer will not only link to their guest blogs but will also share it more.

Because it will be an obvious action of any guest blogger to expand the reach of the guest post.

As a result, due to guest blogging, a website has more exposure and more traffic too.

Just for the sake of guest blogs do not post anything that comes across your way.

Quality still exists and you need to make sure that you are posting high-quality and valuable content.

Else, if the audience is not intertwined with the guest blog it would be very difficult to retain them.

And they are more likely to abandon the website.

Tip 5- Website speed can speed up your traffic momentum

Do not let your website turn into a nightmare for your visitors.

The very first thing that has a colossal impact on the visitors is how speedily it responds.

Whether a user is new or old, if a website is taking too long to open then there is no reason to linger on.

So, if you are also in the race of grabbing website traffic fast then do emphasize on your website speed.

It is one of the vital factors taken into account by the algorithm as well to improve the ranking.

Too much time to load a page simply drive your website towards lower ranking.

Speeding the website is one of the effective approaches to grab and retain traffic with zero marketing efforts.

Longer dwell time clearly indicates a better user experience.

If a user is taking interest on your website then surely he will spend more time.

On the contrary, abandoning action on a website apparently states poor performance.

The reason maybe he didn’t find anything useful and relevant.

Or it may be due to slow loading speed also.

Hence, never give a chance to your potential customers to leave and opt for some other website.

Handpicked Content:

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Tip 6- Take the help of social media

Social media platform is all about interaction which is incomplete without folks.

If it is all about getting traffic fast, the idea should be to target such a platform that is full of audience.

And therefore the usage of social media holds an important place in getting the traffic fast.

The foremost thing about social media is it helps in getting traffic without incurring any cost.

It is one of the effective platforms to engage with people.

Here, the attempts are required to increase your followers’ list.

Attract them by posting enticing content to your social media post.

The more they will like your content, the more they will follow you.

And ultimately more followers results in more website visits.

This is something every website owner waits for…

Make sure that you are sharing you fresh and latest content on social media frequently.

In this way, the reader will be directed to your website to read that content further.

And also they explore some more useful blogs and add to their knowledge.

This is another way to increase website traffic fast.

Tip 7- Long-form content to increase website traffic fast

Nowadays every marketer is acquainted with the use of the impact of using the content.

Hence, content is something with which no one is deprived.

And this is the reason why content creation and marketing has become a powerful means to grab the traffic.

But if everyone will do the same thing how will you get the competitive edge over the other.

Obviously, you need to do something extraordinary to stand out from the crowd.

To do so, opt for long-form content to deliver something extra that is not delivered on others site.

Long-form content is a strong reason that makes your audience visit your website again and again.

It has been observed that the average content length lying on the first page is more than 2400 words.

This shows even search engines consider long-form content more valuable.

And it is quite conspicuous, long-form content is written in a detailed way covering each aspect of the topic deeply.

Of course, this is not possible with the short form content.

Therefore, creating long-form content you can create a powerful identity of your site known for quality and useful content.

Once the users become a regular follower of your content they will visit consistently.

And also recommend and share it further.

Again, giving exposure to your content and attracting traffic fast in no time.

Tip 8- Work on the responsiveness of your website

Website responsiveness is something where most of the owners lack.

And then they complain about the limited traffic.

This is quite obvious…

How it could reach many people when its accessibility is limited to desktop only.

A website compatible with the desktop will be successful to serve the desktop users only.

Here itself the crowd is truncated.

To increase website traffic fast, it has to work well with every mobile device as well.

Limited service means a limited audience.

Expanded services mean expanded network and audience…

No doubt, the number of mobile phone users have surpassed desktop users.

In such a scenario, targeting only desktop user will not work to get traffic fast.

Increase your website responsiveness and make it work well every device like a laptop, mobile phones, tablets, and obviously desktop.

Because now the world is not just limited to desktop only, there is a lot more that can be done with other devices as well.

A responsive website tends to acquire more traffic in less time due to its ability to serve every user with the commendable user experience.

Tip 9- Email marketing attracts more sharing

In order to acquire new customers, we opt in content marketing.

But the traditional method of email marketing must not be neglected at any cost.

Email marketing can be a powerful channel if used prudently.

Here, the major part is the subscriber list.

Try to accumulate the quality subscriber in your list who are genuinely interested in hearing from you rather than buying a list.

This will work to increase website traffic.

Just stay connected with your subscriber by using emails and never let them feel ignored.

Don’t overdo anything it can turn the game as well.

Maintain consistency in sending the email.

But it doesn’t mean bombarding too many emails on a daily basis as it may annoy the audience.

Instead, send it once or twice a month.

This will not only help to retain the customers but also keep them buying again and again.

Email subscribers are already impressed, folks.

Hence, they are 3 times more likely to share the content.

More sharing means widen reach.

This is another way to reach the new audience and make your business known.

There is nothing wrong to say, this is one of the fruitful ways to nurture your relationship with your clients.

For more efficacy, segment the list of the subscriber and customize the messages that can cater to their needs.

You can simply automate and schedule the emails to make them reach the right people at the right time.

This will surely help in your strategies to increase website traffic fast.

Tip 10- Opt for content transformation

Not necessary that one form of content is enough to impress the users of various platforms.

Yes, you read it right.

Every platform has its own identity and is different in its own way.

Furthermore, the users of these platforms are also distinct.

Some want to imbibe the content in the form of videos, some in the form of graphics and some in the form of text.

Moreover, some simply want to listen to it.

To accommodate the need of every user repurpose your content.

Keeping the content in just one form means you are limiting it for a specific segment of the audience.

Transform and release your content in every form to serve every kind of user.

Check out some ways to repurpose your content:

Blog post — Podcast

Blog post -Webinar

Video- Infographic

Video — Blog post

Blog post — SlideShare

Podcast — Checklist

The more you make the content accessible, the more it will be consumed by the audience.

Ultimately, you can increase the website traffic fast and your website will end up with huge traffic.

Tip 11- Target keywords with high search volume

Keywords play a very crucial role in fetching the relevant traffic to the website.

If you are targeting the wrong keywords then consequences will be obvious.

Right results cannot be derived with the wrong approaches.

Therefore, the traffic you will have on the website will be futile.

Make sure you are using the keywords related to your niche- to get the relevant and quality traffic.

And when the focus is towards increasing the website fast- you have to be very particular while choosing the keywords.

Figure out what kind of keywords related to your niche are searched the most.

For example:

While writing the blog post on social media, figure out keywords or topics with high search volume.

Blend such keywords in your blog posts- this will aid in making your blog post rank.

As a result of securing a good ranking on the SERP, the blog post will have more insights and click.

And I guess this is the chief action expected by the website owners to drive traffic to the website.

Tip 12: Website redesigning works well

Last but not least, website redesigning is also a good choice to make in the concern of increasing traffic.

Not every website owner is too much convinced with the idea of website re-designing.

As they think it may not be a good move from the point of view of time and money investment.

But this is absolutely wrong, there has been proven case studies that envinced that it really works.

Generally, what happens is- owners keep in digging out the futile and under-performing elements on the website.

So that they can work on it.

But don’t you think to find errors and rectifying them takes more time than redesigning a website.

Yes, of course, it takes…

When a website fails to mark its presence or attract enough traffic then obviously something is there.

Maybe your website is not that much user-friendly, content may not be so appealing, navigation is not so good, etc.

There may be “N” no. of reasons which can scare your visitor and make him run away.

With such a horrible experience neither he will stay longer nor he will recommend it to others.

And obviously, this will obstruct many new visits.

So, it is better to opt for the website- redesigning too bring out the improved or enhanced version of your website.

In this way, not only the efficiency of the website will increase but also you can get it customized as per the current demands of users.

To come with the best version, it is advisable to conduct deep research on the competitors’ websites which are really doing good in the market.

Comprehend some great ideas and infuse them while getting your website redesigned.

The better your website is, the better will be the traffic.

Also, it will get more recommendations and open up ways for new traffic.

Tip 13: Follow Skyscraper technique

Is this something you aren’t so much familiar with?

Or is this something that seems new to you…

No need to go into overdrive to understand this technique.

Just gander and you will have enough information regarding Skyscraper Technique.

There are thousands of ways imbued in the business to drive traffic.

But some of them succeed and some of them not.

But this is a proven technique, which has done wonders for the marketers and helped them in achieving their goals.

What is the prime requirement to get the traffic?

Here the quest begins…

First, you should analyze what the audience is looking for…

And grab the topics with high search volume which are related to your niche.

Once you have the topics by your side it is really easy to get traffic.

This is because by targeting highly searched topics you are targeting- “what most of the people are looking for”.

Now keeping in mind these topics search for link-worthy content which is more likely to get linked.

Link- worthy content not only add value to the users but also covers the topic deeply.

On the other hand, link-worthy content easily captures the users’ interest and keep them bounded.

And this is the reason why these type of content attracts so many backlinks.

Now the ball is in your court because now you are well-versed with all the requisites of quality content.

All you need to do is- try to come up with something better than the link-worthy blogs that you have visited.

Now your blog is good to go and do well in the market.

Reach out the right audience and try to get links as many as possible.

If people will find your blog link-worthy then chances will be higher to have a high number of backlinks required to rank.

Most importantly, through these links, you also have the other website reader redirected to your website.

And your website traffic will increase.

You can easily apply this technique again on the new topics to augment the traffic

Tip 14: Give special attention to headlines

Before proceeding further- Have a look at some Headings

“SEO TRENDS You Can’t Afford To Miss”

“What are some SEO TRENDS”

“List of SEO TRENDS” we need”

Which one do you think is a compelling headline and can attract the audience?

I guess- “SEO TRENDS You Can’t Afford To Miss” is a headline that will surely catch the attention of the users.

Also, this headline is really looking better than the rest two.

I hope now you will be able to comprehend what is the role of a headline.

If you are serious to accumulate traffic to your website then you should never miss the headline part.

There are around 4 billion blogs which are published on a daily basis.

This shows the competition is really tough…

So, when a user intends to grab some information on a topic and searches for that- he has enormous options.

Now here comes the most difficult part- Which blog he should read?

… here the best Headline will win.

Yes, out of so many options it is really tough to pick the most relevant one.

And it is not feasible to check every option one by one.

In this case, the most appealing headline will entice the users and win a click.

So, always optimize your headline using your target keyword and try to make it catchy too using the emotional words.

And most importantly, it should go well with your content so that the user can easily elicit what the blog is all about.

Tip 15: Make use of a Linkedin platform

Yes, if your traffic driving strategies still didn’t include Linkedin then you might be leaving a lot of traffic on the table.

This means the traffic is just at your doorstep but you are not opening the doors.

Let’s gander some Linkedin stats…

If you wanna drive huge traffic to your website then obviously your foremost priority must be to target a platform which already has a good number of users.

And targeting the Linkedin platform can be one of the best decisions.

Because the platform has a huge potential to give you relevant traffic.

Linkedin has over 500 million users which are a pretty good number.

You simply need to create a robust content and share it on Linkedin.

If your content succeeds to grab the attention of the users, they will become your followers.

And would love to explore more content on your website.

Every marketer understands the importance of posting content on Linkedin.

Hence, over 3 million users share content on Linkedin on a weekly basis.

No doubt, it is one of the best platforms where you can find large chunks of professionals.

So, if you look towards a huge traffic and business opportunities then be frequent in publishing content.

Do not let your reader forget you and keep them engaged by being consistent in content publishing.

Not only you will experience a boost in your business popularity but also in its traffic too.

Tip 16: Embed videos in your content strategy

Try to make every possible effort to entice the visitors.

Until you do not have some distinct approach, every effort seems ordinary.

And the internet is already flooded with ordinary marketing efforts which are adopted by almost every marketer.

So, to differentiate yourself from these ordinary techniques embed videos in your content strategy.

This will help to make the website more engaging and influencing.

It has been observed that videos serve as an asset and are quite fruitful in attracting new customers.

When the users are accustomed to old and usual ways of marketing they start losing interest.

In such a scenario, video marketing is a good choice to get the audience attention and engage them in your website.

No doubt, text content is well and good but content in the form of videos is grasped more easily and do leave an influential effect on the viewers.

So market your content in the form of videos and give an impressive reason for the visitors to visit your website.

Sometimes visuals are more powerful than the words and leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Therefore, it is better to opt for this technique also if you are exploring ways to increase website traffic fast.


Every website owner is struggling hard to drive enough traffic.

Most importantly, they look forward to exploring the ways that work fast.

And this is obvious, but out of the thousands of ways you need to dig out the best ways.

Increasing traffic is not at all limited to any one particular method.

In fact, there are numerous ways which you can imbue in your business.

Understanding the concerning, we have compiled the list of tried and tested ways to increase website traffic fast.

There is nothing new with which you are not familiar.

But yes, how you are using these elements is a matter of significance.

To strategize in the right way, check out the above points and end your quest to find out the ways of getting traffic fast.

These strategies have helped several businesses to encounter remarkable growth in their traffic and conversions too.

So, now it is your turn to speed up your business progress.

Originally published at www.adstriangle.com on April 12, 2019.

